1056hours donated through the Viva e Deixe Viver project

1056hours donated through the Viva e Deixe Viver project

1056hours donated through the Viva e Deixe Viver project

Hospital Humanization

In partnership with Viva e Deixe Viver Association, training courses and workshops such as "Viva Teia" and "Sacola Literária" take place at MAHLE's Brazil units, promoting the improvement of human relations in the areas of Culture, Education, Health and Volunteering.

Young Farmer of the Future Project

In partnership with Senar (National Rural Learning Service), MAHLE invests in the vocational training of young people from the communities of Mogi Mirim, Mogi Guaçu and Estiva Gerbi. Besides to opening new paths, the training enables participants to broaden their environmental awareness and prepare for the job market.


Employees have systematized follow-up through circuits, lectures, shifts, forums and customized proposals for medical follow-up, nutritionist and physical educator.

Drug Prevention

Through the prevention and control program of the misuse of alcohol and illicit drugs, and in conjunction with specialized partners in Brazil, we offer our employees the possibility of treatment and monitoring, as well as support to their families.